Thursday, March 15, 2012

Real Starship Enterprise

     The new age of space plane have come. The space station not enough yet to human mission across the planet or galaxy. The space is so wide than we expect, the star are so far away from our  planet.  Million planet spread across  the space. How can human explore the space? What should we do?

 courtesy image of

       Still using booster rockets propelled to reach the space? No! The only way is we should build real USS enterprise right now. The design have already done. The gigantic ship would use ion propulsion, powered by a 1.5-GW nuclear reactor, and could reach Mars in three months and the moon in three days. Its 0.3-mile-diameter, magnetically suspended gravity wheel spinning at 2 RPM would provide 1G of gravity, and the advanced technology navigation system.

      It means that human finally will make a large spaceship that can go far on space. However, this design still need many improvement.  The engineers say that they already have the technology to build the first generation of this advanced technology space enterprise. The Starship Enterprise Is Big: The ship would be the largest thing built by humanity. 
      The so-called Gen1 Enterprise would be built in space and would serve a triple function, as a space station, spaceport and traveling spaceship. It won’t cruise the galaxy at light speed, unfortunately, but it could explore new worlds right in our own neighborhood, providing a constant acceleration to reach distant targets much more quickly. Its first missions would be to the moon, Venus, Mars, or else.  Universe today notes the ship’s onboard laser would be used to sear through the moon’s ice crust to allow a ship to drop into its oceans. Three advanced additional nuclear reactors would provide electricity for this laser and other ship needs.

Will it really done?
Posted by: Advan Today Advanced Technology, Updated at: 9:02 PM