Thursday, March 29, 2012

Next Generation Electric Bike

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      Global warming always make people think twice about efficiently before buying a car. High population cars on the roads, pollution of the air and lack of parking spaces are growing problems. The solution seems to use the  advanced technology electric bike or e-bike as it is popularly called. It is a battery powered bicycle that is fast replacing the fossil fuel-based bikes. 

       This bike was named Tharula. This also have a futuristic design and compact size. This bike designed with a speed range between 30 to 70 kmh.  Its pollution-free nature, make it becoming the  future preferred mode of transport technology in urban areas. Because of its efficiently (no consume the fosil fuel) and zero emissions, it will great step to reduce the air pollutions around the world.

       The Tharula is have a different design, and  if you want to add a little speed boost, you just have to power up the advanced electric power stored in the batteries. The rims and wheels are neat and cool that represent the futuristic technology bike. It also have an advanced technology sensor which able to detect the road and automatically warn the rider if they're on the wrong position of the road that could make accident. It also provide with new generation GPS that can provide your position accurately or find the best to go to your destination place.

      This bike also have the advanced powerful brakes that able to detect if you're going to crash and automatically stop before you crash. The seat so comfortable that make us feel comfort to ride above. The Iphone is ready to use with, so it will be joyful to ride. There still many more compact technology will be then, but that all still not given officially until this bike is ready to produce.
Posted by: Advan Today Advanced Technology, Updated at: 12:15 PM