Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I-2000 Jet Fighter

    Russia doesnt want to get behind in the development of new advanced technology jet fighter.  America and China have already build their own jet fighter. So, Russia  decide to make their own jet fighter, too. Development of Russia's LFI (logkiy frontovoi istrebitel) lightweight tactical fighter has been dramatically accelerated after the Russian Air Force decided its priorities for the next 10 years, revealed exclusively as the I-2000 (Istrebitel {fighter} 2000) project.

courtesy image of plane-wallpaper.blogspot.com

     If viewed from the design of this jet fighter, I think it designed for air to air or short ranged battle. It looks like able to carry a lot amount of bomb and missile, but I dont know exatly how much are the maximum weight this plane can afford. The aircraft more likely comes from a long line of Mikoyan lightweight fighters, such as the MiG-21.
     The principal of this project said that this aircraft will feature a long combat radius, supersonic cruise speed, low radar cross section, super maneuverability, and the ability to make short takeoffs and landings. In accordance with the technical requirements, the I-2000 will have a normal takeoff weight of 20 tons, which is close to the average normal takeoff weight of the American airplane.

     The new advanced technology fighter (a medium version) will have a shape wing form. It is supposed that it will be created using the Stealth technology, and equipped with two AL-41F engines by the Saturn scientific and industrial enterprise, a radar system with an active phased array (to all appearances, it will be produced by the Fazatron-NIIR corporation), and high-precision advanced weapons. Seems like this advanced jet fighter will able to carry many bomb and missiles.

courtesy image of plane-wallpaper.blogspot.com

    The new airplane is being proposed to be brought from the concept design to a prototype series in less than 9 years. So I think this jet fighter will be done in 10 years. Well, just wait and see.

Posted by: Advan Today Advanced Technology, Updated at: 10:26 PM